Sunday, May 20, 2007

Convicted Atlas.....

Hey!!! Sorry for the delay, but was really caught up in loads of work last few weeks!! Have got our appraisals and even bigger targets this year!! Okkk...lets come back to our topic!! 'Convicted atlas'...don’t take it other ways, just attended by MBA convocation last month!!
WOW...What a feeling....wearing the black robe and that funny cap!! Once in a life time experience...... and to top it all Best team player award!!
In a way a very happy and sad moment.... Happy coz we finally became MBAs and sad coz this was perhaps the last time the complete gang was meeting at one place at one time.....donno if there will ever come a chance where 180 of us will be present together...but that’s life!!
All the clapping and cheering for friends, receiving awards, taking photographs, embracing each other, exchanging business cards, talking about all the moments we shared a bit too nostalgic in the end.....
The 3 day trip to Pune was one of my best!!! Aint going to forget it for a long long time.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those days were the best days of my life !!!!