Saturday, March 24, 2007

Udvada Trip

Last week I was lucky enough to visit Udvada, the holy city of Parsis. The oldest and most sacred Atash Bheram also known as Iranshah is located in Udvada. Udvada is located in Gujrat around 200 km from mumbai. Reaching Udvada is a 3 hrs journey thanks to the beautiful National Highway 8.
A small town with old bunglows and peaceful surroundings is a complete contrast from our concrete Jungle mumbai. Mostly inhabited by Parsis the town is a good getaway for mumbai Parsis during the weekend. Good accommodation facility in famous Parsi hotels like Hotel Mek, Globe and Ashishwang makes it more comfortable to visit Udvada. The mouth watering Parsi food that we get in Udvada is another magnet which pulls us Parsis over there.

But nothing comes close to the satisfaction we get from visiting the Atashbheram. The experience is unforgettable. The calmness, Serenity and feeling of being in such a sacred place washes off all our tensions and problems which we are bagged with in our daily lives.

Visiting the Atashbheram in the evenings is another spectacle. As there is no Electricity in the Atashbheram, its the oil lamps which lit up the Iranshah.
A must visit for all Parsis atleast once in a life time.....


Anonymous said...

Your description for "Udvada" is amazing.... not only Parsis but the non Parsis will also feel attracted towards the place....
Will not miss the opprtunity to visit it, if got any........

Keep rocking!!!!

Anonymous said...

the account paints a great picture of the place.........would try and visit it sometime........'seems the food bit rules here too....

My World !!!! said...

Yo Dude..I guess the less said abt Udvada,the better.Nothing like being there and experiencing the calm of the place..shall def.check it out..In case u going again,count me in...

Anonymous said...

hey ur account on udvada was damn interestin.....hav been der bt neva in d evenin......guess wil b doin dat nxt time i go der........cant agree wit u more dat its a place every parsi mst visit atleast 1ce durin his/her lifetime..........cheers 2 udvada!!!!!!

Siddhartha Joshi said...

I am a non-Parsi and really keen on visiting the town. I would love to explore the history of the place and the people...

Can I stay in a Parsi hotel too?